Sunday, September 4, 2011

"What IS That?!!!!"

One afternoon, I was driving home with my son in the car, along a back road that had many twists and turns, so that you sometimes couldn't see very far ahead until you'd actually gone into the turn.  That's why I nearly hit something I did not want to hit!

As we came into the turn, there, in the middle of the road, was a huge, black object about two and a half feet tall and about six feet wide.

"Holy s**t!!!" was my reaction as I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting it.

"What the **** is THAT?!!!!"  yelled out my son, his eyes as big as saucers.

I reached over and smacked him in the arm for using the profanity, then explained to him as I drove past the object slowly, shook up myself.

"It's a vulture!" I told him.

He'd never seen one before, which I didn't realize.  The thing had its' wings fully extended, and they were at least six feet wide, as it was feasting away on a poor rabbit, which apparently had expired as road kill not long before.  There was a crow there with it, but we hardly noticed the crow, due to the enormous size of the vulture.  Scary thing to see right in the middle of the road.  Not to mention unexpected and probably dangerous as well!

So while driving along a curving road, keep a watch out.  You never know what's around the next corner!