Monday, August 8, 2011

Oil Spill

Okay, I'm finally back to torment you all.  Sorry for the delay....that's another story that I'll save for much later once it plays out.


My daughter was probably about a year and a half old.  She was walking by then on her own, and one of her favorite things to do was to go into the pantry and take out the smaller cans there and stack them.  A bit of harmless fun.


One night I was on the phone while she was playing, when she suddenly sounded rather distressed, so I turned to check what was going on.  When I saw what had happened, I quickly ended my phone call.

My daughter was sliding around the floor as if she was on ice skates, with a panicked look on her face.  What she'd done was taken a bottle of olive oil from the shelf, and apparently, the top wasn't on the bottle tight enough, and had come off, spilling olive oil all over the floor, which was what was causing her to slide around.  I had her brother quickly go get a towel and put it on the floor where there was no oil, lifted her up and put her on the towel, then began the horrible chore of cleaning up the mess.

Helpful hint:  spreading flour on an oil spill works great for soaking it up and getting it clean.  It's still a pain, but makes it easier.  Also works with raw eggs that happen to get broken on the floor as well.

Also, making sure lids are on tight and/or up on a higher shelf than a toddler's reach usually works quite well also!

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