Thursday, August 18, 2011

Frank the Bird

As I think I've mentioned before, our cat Frank had a tendency to hold grudges, and for a very long time sometimes!  As proof, I offer this story.

My friend Chris had come over to visit, and we were chatting away, as always.  Frank would always jump up on the back of the chair or couch where Chris sat, and sniff her hair, apparently liking the smell of the shampoo she used.  She'd always talk to him and pet him and give him all sorts of attention that he absolutely loved, and he'd yell at her if he hadn't had enough yet.

This time, however, when he meant to yell, it came out like more of a squeak.

Chris laughed, and said, "Frank you sound like a bird!" which he did, but he didn't mean to, darn it!

Frank looked at her, turned around, and stalked out of the room, highly insulted!  I think we made matters worse by laughing at his reaction as he left the room.

From then on, for a long time and whenever Chris came over to visit, Frank would pointedly ignore her.  On one occasion that comes to mind, we were sitting and talking, and he came into the room.  Chris began talking to him, making sweet talk, and Frank completely ignored her!  He actually put his nose in the air and strutted by her with his tail up!  It was hilarious!  He'd still jump up behind her and sniff her hair, but she was not allowed to touch him any more.  If she tried, he'd swipe at her, and sometimes try to nip her as well!

Eventually, he got over being mad at her and they became friends again, after Chris coaxing him a bit every time she came over.  I think it took about a year, though, before he finally would let her pet him again.

So yes, animals do remember things.  And in Frank's case, sometimes become highly insulted and don't let you forget it!


  1. one cute emotional cat.. lol..
    nice blog.. keep it ip.. (",)

  2. Thanks very much! I hope you'll visit again!
