Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Talking Dog

When my friend Chris married her husband, Bob, she also "inherited" a very big, sweet German Shepherd dog named Kita.  Chris, who's a cat person as I mentioned in previous stories, didn't have a problem with Kita because he loved cats and was very well trained, not to mention one of the sweetest dogs I've ever come in contact with.

The thing that amused me to no end was whenever I'd go over there to visit.  Kita was very well behaved, as always, and waited patiently until I'd talk to him once I was sitting down, and then would come over for his attention.  I'd pet him and talk to him, and darned if the dog didn't talk back!

"Oh, there's my good Kita, how are you?"

"Rowr, rowr, owr," he'd answer plaintively as I petted him.

"Yes, I know, they treat you so badly here!"

A bit louder, "Ooor, woor, ooor," he'd agree.

"All those cats and all, just here to torture my poor Kita!"

Even louder, "Rooor, ooor, Roowwrr!!!"

By this time, he'd start climbing into my lap, loving the attention and wanting to tell me more.  Now, this was a 120-pound dog in his prime, so not quite a lap dog, but it was so funny and so sweet!  You couldn't help but love him!

And I'm a sucker when it comes to most animals, anyway.  Especially big, fluffy dogs that talk!

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