Monday, July 11, 2011

Chocolate Shake

One thing I've learned over the years about small children, they usually know what they want, and they have no problems letting anyone else know, either.  And they want it NOW!!!!

Case in point:  Many years ago, my friend Sherri's daughter, Barbie (who's now over 30 and a mom herself) must've been about three years old or so.  It was summer and hot, and we'd decided we'd drive to Dairy Queen and get something cold to drink, figuring we'd get milkshakes, because they make the best ones.

Barbie had been very quiet in the seat between us, and Sherri drove around to the menu board and speaker.  However, as soon as the person inside asked, "May I take your order?," Barbie decided that was the time to make herself known.

She leaned over Sherri and out the window, yelling, "Chocolate shake!  Chocolate shake!  I want Chocolate shake!"

Sherri was absolutely mortified!  Barbie continued on, repeating the same thing over and over, until finally Sherri managed to get her to stop hollering, while I, meanwhile, had been no help whatsoever, as I was laughing too hard to do anything else!

There was no sound from the speaker for a few seconds, until the person came back on, laughing as well, and said, "I'm guessing someone wants a chocolate shake?"

"Um...yes," Sherri replied, then continued to give them the rest of our order before driving forward to the window.

As we drove up, the employees were still laughing, as was I.  Sherri had blushed beet red, though, she was so embarrassed, though she was finally smiling!  She passed the cups to me and a small one to Barbie, who grinned from ear to ear.

She nodded, took a drink, nodded again, still smiling and said, "Chocolate shake!"

I started laughing again; she was so happy to have gotten what she wanted.  Sometimes it definitely pays to let people know what you want, and be consistent about it!  It worked for Barbie, anyway.


  1. Sometimes, our children unwittingly teach us lessons. This is one of them!

  2. They definitely do that! More times than not, we just have to pay attention.
