Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How Frank Adopted Us

We had never intended to have a cat.  At the time, we had a dog and three birds, so a cat just didn't seem to fit in.  But Frank had other ideas.  Or someone did, anyway!

It was November, and getting cold out in the evenings.  Mom and I were walking to the polling place to vote, as it was election day.  I don't remember what or who we were voting for at the time, but the polling place was just around the corner from where I lived at the time.  As we turned the corner, we began to be followed by a cute little black kitten, who meowed at us on the way, so we reached down and petted him, then went in to vote.

When we came back out, the kitten was sitting there patiently, as if waiting for us, and proceeded to follow us back to my house.  I opened the door and he followed us in, as if he belonged there, the little stinker, but Mom took him back outside as she left, as we were thinking that as friendly as he was, he had to belong to someone.  I felt a little bad about leaving him outside since it was cold out there, but tried not to think any more about it.

My husband came home from work, and after he'd sat down, I told him that we almost had a kitten earlier, and was going to tell him about the kitten that followed us.

He replied, "You mean that little black cat that's out front jumping around?"

"He's still out there?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, I saw him when I came up.  He ran right to me, and he's out there jumping around and playing in the bushes."

We both looked at each other, and I said, "You know, it's going to get awfully cold out there...."

We both got up and went to the door, and sure enough, there was the kitten, sitting at the bottom of the steps and looking up at us.  So we brought him in.

Mischa, the dog, was thrilled!  She loved cats, and immediately tried to make friends with him, but he was having none of it, at least, not then.  Instead she got growls and hisses, so we put the cat in what was our spare bedroom just for the time being, borrowed food and cat supplies from my brother, and kept him as ours for the next 19 years.

So you see, we didn't adopt Frank.  He adopted us.  He was quite adamant that we had no choice in the matter.  Silly humans that we are.


  1. It is amazing how animals know who they want to be with.
    Perhaps our soft emotions that play a part.We all want to be tough and show we don't care to much but our old hearts take over and we fall for them.So we should as they are wonderfully faithful friends.Dogs and cats are vanerable and do rely on us to some extent.
    When we first met Ben he looked up at me straight in the eye and said please take me home.I just went to water and fell for his big brown eyes.He was so tiny then and full of vigour.He is a true friend and we love him so much.

  2. I've always been a sucker when it comes to animals anyway, and Frank knew just how to get to me, even long after we took him in and through the years later. He showed he loved us in so many ways.
