Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Please Come to Customer Service"

My dad and my brother, the wrestler, went to Wal-Mart for a quick trip so that my brother could get a new supply of contact lenses.  Once they'd finished at the optical department, my brother asked my dad for $20 and went off to look for something, while my dad was in sporting goods getting what he needed.

When Dad finished up, he went up to the front of the store to wait for my brother, as he didn't know where he'd gotten off to.  He waited.  And waited, and waited.  No sign of my brother.

Dad, not being a shopping kind of guy anyway, got tired of waiting and was well past ready to leave and go home by then.  So he decided the best thing to do would be to have my brother paged to come up to the front so that they could leave.  He went to the Customer Service desk to ask them to page him.

My dad then got an idea to be funny, but that would get my brother's attention immediately, without anyone else getting the joke.

Suddenly, over the intercom where the whole store could hear, the woman's voice spoke out, "Dick Trailer, please come to Customer Service.  Dick Trailer to Customer Service."

Soon Dad saw my brother coming up to meet him, laughing at Dad's use of his wrestling character name instead of his, and shaking his head.  Dad was highly amused with himself as well, and laughing as my brother approached.

So the thing to remember here is, don't ever take off and leave Dad to his own devices, especially at Wal-Mart.  When he's ready to leave, you'd better be ready as well.  And no fooling around!

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