Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Wrestler vs. Taco Bell

My youngest brother, at the very least, is a character.  Things are never dull when he's around; that's a given.  He's been a professional wrestler for the past several years, and though not in the "big leagues," he's quite popular in the local wrestling leagues, known as Big Dick Trailer, a redneck character that actually is a lot like he is in person.  He stands about 6'4" tall, and is well over 200 pounds.  Not a small person.  But I digress.

He was over here recently while my parents were away for a weekend, and was planning to spend the night.  We were waiting for my nephew to come over, as he'd called earlier saying he was going to stop by.  My brother kept asking, "Where is that boy, anyway?" and finally decided he'd call him.  They went back and forth for awhile, as my brother didn't bother to say who he was, just, "Where the hell are you?" when my nephew answered the phone, to which my nephew replied, "Who IS this?" to which my brother pretended he was insulted.  Eventually they got that settled, and my brother informed my nephew that before he came over, he'd have to go by Taco Bell and get us some food.  Of course, my nephew had no money, so he had to come by the house first for that, and also to get a list of what everyone wanted, which he did, taking my son with him along with one of his fraternity brothers who was with him when he arrived here.

After quite awhile, they finally arrived back with the food, laughing and carrying on, and saying that we'd better check the bags and make sure all the food was there, because they went through the drive-through, which was extremely busy, and were convinced that the employees at the Taco Bell were, and I quote, "smoking something."  Sure enough, after checking, there were a few items missing.

This did not please my brother.  He took the receipt, checked to see what was missing, circled those things on the receipt plus a few other things for good measure, and called the Taco Bell!  He explained to the guy who answered the phone there that his nephew had just been there and that we were missing food from our order, then says, "First off, we ordered a box meal, and there's no box!  What's up with that, man?"

The person on the phone replied that they were out of boxes.

"They said you guys are down there smoking something!" my brother then said.

The idiot on the phone replies, "Quite possible," instead of denying it as he should have, then tells my brother to bring back the food and the receipt and they'd make it right.

"I can't bring back the food!"  my brother replies, "I've got a bunch of drunk people here (we weren't!) and they're hungry, so they've already started eating the stuff you did give us!  Tell you what.  I'm gonna send my nephew back down there with the receipt and what we're missing marked on it, and you guys can make us some new stuff, how's that?"

The idiot didn't even bother to argue, just agreed to it, so off go the boys, back to get the missing food.  My nephew said that when they drove up, he said into the speaker, "Yeah, my uncle just called..." and the guy interrupted him and said, "Yeah, we know; pull on through!"  So they did, gave him the receipt, and soon had the missing food, along with a couple of "extras" that they brought back.  That made my brother very happy!

Another lesson in life:  Do NOT EVER mess up a wrestler's food order.  They're very serious about what they want, and they expect to get it.  Especially if it has to do with food.


  1. The gentle giants.Can remember the wrestling on Australian TV many moons ago.All Australian with some guest's who would come out from the US to fight.
    Funny how the whole night would finish up in a huge brawl between the good bloke and the bad bloke along with half the audience in the ring.The poor old ref would scamper out of sight very quickly.
    I never believed any of it for one moment.Some of those hits were pulled and some of those falls were very skilfully acted out.
    Just the same I would never pick an argument with any of them.Like your Bro they are well built and could sustain anything from a flee like me.LOL
    I bet your Bro is such a nice bloke and would not hurt a fly.
    Great story.Enjoyed immensely.Keep the great stories coming they are very much appreciated.

  2. You're right, Greg; my brother has a heart of gold! But still, you don't want to get him angry,'s not pretty! It does take some acting skill to be a professional wrestler, and an ability to withstand pain as well. Not for me, that's for sure, but he loves it! Some people are just crazy, and my brother's one of them, even though he's a terrific guy!
