Friday, June 24, 2011

Do NOT Try This At Home!

I love to cook most of the time, and at the risk of sounding a bit like I'm bragging, I'm usually a pretty amazing cook. But like all of us who like to cook, I've had a few mishaps in the kitchen with certain recipes.

I must've been about 13 years old, and was home alone while the rest of the family was out somewhere. I decided that I'd do something nice for everyone, and make a batch of brownies that would be ready when they got home, and perhaps still warm and gooey. So I got out all the ingredients that the recipe called for (these are from scratch, mind you, not a mix), and unfortunately, we were out of eggs.

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I remembered my Mom and a friend of hers discussing a recipe for mayonnaise cake, and saying that the mayonnaise was used in place of the eggs, so I thought to myself that why wouldn't that work for brownies, too? So out comes the mayonnaise, and into the brownie mix, stirred it all in and into the pan, then to the oven.

I didn't think anything more about it, and waited the time called for to take them out of the oven. When I did, the brownies didn't look at all good. In fact, they were a greasy, gloppy mess, bubbling in the pan and looking completely disgusting! I couldn't figure out why it didn't work until after my Mom got home and saw what I'd done, then figured out where I'd gone wrong.

In talking about making the mayonnaise cake, they'd neglected to mention that in addition to replacing the eggs with the mayonnaise, it also replaced the oil or butter in the recipe. I'd gone ahead and put the butter in the brownie mix as usual, not realizing or thinking about what it would do.

Needless to say, those brownies weren't eaten or even tried, obviously. They were completely inedible, to say the least. To this day, though, my family has not let me forget about mayonnaise in the brownies, and my brother is still highly amused by the whole episode, and reminds me of it from time to time with great glee.

Brothers are a pain. Seriously.


  1. Crikey!, I thought I was the worst cook in the kitchen.
    At least I can boil and egg and make a cup of tea.So im not completely useless. At least I will survive.
    My Mum could cook anything when we were kids and we were all healthy.I cant get over how much they fill foods with all sorts of things without us taking any notice.We all should be aware of additives in foods.Especially sugar and sodium(salt).When we are young we don't seem to care to much and when we get to sixty we suddenly realise all this rubbish has made us ill with high blood pressure and cholesterol.
    Straying a little here I know but its worth saying and being vigilant about the things we eat.It could have been you adding to the things we eat LOL,Mayonnaise,really!!

  2. Usually, I'm a really good cook, honestly! I know, the mayonnaise things sounds disgusting (and believe me, it was!), but I put it down to misunderstanding how it really worked! I have actually made a mayonnaise cake before, and it's delicious. Just doesn't work the same with brownies! Especially if you don't delete the butter as well!
