Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mr. "Not So Perfect" Either!!

I have two younger brothers, the oldest one being the one that won't let me forget the brownies episode.  Considering that, I think it's time I told a few things about him, even though he'd deny all of them.

When he was younger, he was the type of kid that would get even, rather than get angry at the time he got in trouble or punished.  He was always causing what my mother referred to as "quiet trouble," and usually that meant he'd do something to either our youngest brother and/or I, causing us to yell and get in trouble for something he did.  He'd also swear that he'd never done anything; he was the perfect child, you know!  Yeah, right!

Once when he was very young, he'd been punished for something he'd done (probably just not listening and doing exactly what he pleased despite warnings to the contrary!), and our mother put him in his room and told him to take a nap.  She didn't hear any noise after a few minutes, so figured he'd gone ahead and fallen asleep.  After awhile, she went to check on him, only to find that he'd taken all the sheets, blankets and pillowcases off the beds, just to get even with her for putting him in there in the first place, and thrown them all on the floor in a pile.

He got angry another time with our mother for something, and quietly went into the kitchen and turned off the refrigerator.  Mom couldn't figure out for quite awhile why things were getting warm in there, and of course, was worried that something was wrong with the fridge.  By the time she figured out what he'd done, a lot of the food had spoiled and thawed, and had to be thrown out.

The one that I now can understand, having dealt with my own children, and that must have been the most infuriating of all to my mother, was what he'd do during one of our punishments.  The punishment would be to have us sit in a chair in the living room, no television or anything to play with whatsoever, until Mom felt we'd been punished enough and learned our lesson.  It was pure torture, not being able to move aside from squirming from time to time, or talk, or do anything but think, but it didn't make a difference to my brother.  He'd just fall asleep in the chair, seemingly not caring that this method was supposed to be a punishment.  He didn't like it, so he chose to rebel by taking a nap, and just making Mom even more frustrated.

So see, he's not so perfect as he'd like everyone to think.   As I mentioned earlier, though, he'll deny all of it anyway.  Even though I speak the truth, and he knows it!  Rotten kid!

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