Monday, June 20, 2011

The Slumber Party

My daughter has recently begun asking when she can have a slumber party.  So far, since we don't have a house of our own, I've been able to put her off, but once we do, I've agreed that she'll be able to have one.  This brought back memories of when I had my own many years ago, and doesn't exactly make me feel as if it's such a good idea, judging from what went on back then.

I'd begged and begged my mother to be able to have a slumber party, as they were all the rage when we were in 6th grade, and finally she agreed.  I was allowed to invite four of my best friends at the time, and we settled on a date and time for one Saturday night.  Included in the festivities were Sherri, Debbie, Sheryl and Renee.  The night started with snacks, then pizza, then later, of course, popcorn and we watched television and played games, did each others' hair and told ghost stories, but of course, the main idea was that there was no "slumber" involved whatsoever.  The point was to stay up all night long.

We all had sleeping bags laid out in the living room once my parents and brothers went to bed, though my parents didn't get much sleep, either, what with four giggling girls downstairs.  We talked about everything we could imagine, including boys, of course.

There was a bit of friction between Debbie and Renee, though mostly on Debbie's side.  When she found out I was inviting Renee, she was not happy in the least, and asked me to "un-invite" her, but I wouldn't do it because I wanted Renee there.  So she didn't speak to Renee all night, and at one point, in protest, got in her sleeping bag and went to sleep.  Or at least, pretended to.  So this, to the rest of us, made her fair game!

We poked her, whispered in her ear, dripped water on her head, shook her; all with no reaction, and we all knew then that she was faking, so we started talking about her as if she wasn't there.  That did it!  She "woke up" and was absolutely furious, as we all smiled at her until she stopped ranting, then said, "Gotcha!"

She was not amused.

The next morning, after we all did finally fall asleep due to complete exhaustion, my mother woke us up for breakfast, which we sat through bleary-eyed and not talking much, and the other parents came and picked their daughters up, one by one.  Once everyone's things were gone from the living room, we had to clean up.

Feathers.  Everywhere and all over the place.  My mother says to this day that that's what she remembers most about that slumber party, is cleaning up all those feathers.  Back then, everyone had feather pillows.

And we didn't even have a pillow fight.

I'm thinking maybe I should think twice about allowing my daughter's slumber party.  But knowing me, I'll probably go through with it.  Yeah, sucker for punishment, I know.

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