Wednesday, June 8, 2011


One of our favorite places to go during the summer is to visit the Renaissance Festival, which takes place from mid-June until the first weekend in August every year on the weekends, at a location about 45 minutes' drive from where we are now.  It's usually the four of us, along with two or three of our nephews, depending on who's available and interested, and sometimes we meet friends down there as well.

The Festival consists of booths where various merchants and artisans sell their goods, ranging from pottery to knives to jewelry to clothing, and loads of other interesting things.  There are also game booths, a few rides, a petting zoo, shows, fortune tellers, jousting and loads of great food, along with all the people and artisans who work there dressed in Renaissance finery.

One of the favorite games for the boys is called "Vegetable Justice."  This consists of one of the workers there dressed as a jester, putting his head through a hole in a panel as he's standing behind it on a step stool, and his hands through two holes at either side.  The game consists of the players buying so many tomatoes for a dollar, then throwing them and trying to hit the guy dead in the face with it, while he shouts out insults and jokes at them.  Occasionally, someone actually hits him, and the crowd cheers, as they manage to put the most obnoxious guys possible up there to be hit.

My daughter was about seven years old one year we went, and as the boys were lining up to take their turns and try to hit the jester, she was watching attentively at the side, and caught the jester's attention.

"Hey," he calls over to her, "you with the pigtails!"

She points to herself and he says, "Yeah, you!" and makes a face at her.

My daughter, being no slouch in the "Oh, yeah?!" department, promptly places both fists on her hips, leans forward from the waist, and sticks her tongue out at him!

The jester then makes another smart comment, while the crowd is laughing at her getting the best of him, so she then puts each thumb in her ears, waggles her fingers, and sticks her tongue out at him again, wiggling her hips.  This time, she even got the best of the jester, as he started laughing and couldn't stop, saying, "Good one; you got me!"

Just goes to show you, never mess with a little girl in pigtails.  She'll get you every time.

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