Thursday, June 2, 2011

Randolph Scott

A lot of people these days don't even know who Randolph Scott is.  He was an old movie actor around the same time as Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and all the greats.  Being a movie buff from way back, I've enjoyed several of the movies he was in, and I recommend that if you're interested, do a search and find out more about him.  This has nothing to do with my post, however, so I'll continue on.

If I had to describe my family, I'd have to say that we're a crazy bunch, but we definitely know how to have fun. When we all get together, there's a lot of joking around and teasing, but everyone has a good sense of humor.  A least, we think so.

Most of us have seen the movie "Blazing Saddles" at least once, and one of the scenes from that movie apparently amused all of us.  Cleavon Little, who played the sheriff in that movie, was asking the townspeople at one point to do something for him, and they were all hesitant, until he says, "You'd do it for Randolph Scott," and they all put their hands over their hearts and repeat, "Randolph Scott!" in a patriotic, awed way, and then they go on to help him with saving the town.

Now, every time my family is together, at one point or another, someone will say, "You'd do it for Randolph Scott!" and we all put our hands over our hearts and repeat, "Randolph Scott!" just like in the movie.  We've done this in public before as well, bringing laughs from everyone around us as well as our group.  The kids have no idea who Randolph Scott is, either, and those of you reading this who haven't seen the movie won't think it's funny, probably, but those of you who have will get it.

I propose that everyone else start doing this as well.  We could start a patriotic revolution!  Do it for Randolph Scott!


  1. We certainly do remember this great actor who adorned our matinee screens on a Saturday afternoon in the 50's and 60's.
    One of our many favourite idols along with John Wayne, Robert Mitchum who is a real fav.of Margaret's.
    The we had the Three Stooges, The Phantom, The Shadow, Dick Tracey, Cisco Kid and many others.
    The Shadow used to be in serial form of half hour each matinee.Then the B film and finally the big one.Kids would scream and yell all through the film.Stamp feet on the ground when the bady's were being chased.
    Jaffers, smarties and lolly balls would be thrown every where.
    The theatre usherettes were busy throwing kids out and flashing their torches to catch the offenders out.Great fun was had by all and a some memories I will never forget.
    Thanks for your story and bringing back those great times.

  2. So nice to know someone else who loves those old movies. I'm addicted, that's for sure! Great story about your Saturday afternoon matinees; I can just picture the chaos! But it sounds like loads of fun!
