Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Raining Cats....From the CEILING!!!!

At one time, several years ago, we lived in a small, ranch-style house with a full basement.  Somehow, our cat, Frank, mentioned in a previous post, figured out how to get in the rafters between the main floor and the basement, I think mainly to get away from the Stupid Dog, who used to chase him incessantly.

One afternoon, I was in the basement, standing and talking to my husband in the living area down there, when all of a sudden, I hear this "WHUMP" noise, and turned to see where the heck that sound had come from and what had caused it.

There, on the floor, was one of the acoustic tiles from the ceiling, with Frank the cat splayed across it, hanging on for dear life.  The dogs were standing on either side of the tile, not really knowing how to react to this development, just staring at the cat and not moving.  As soon as the shock wore off, Frank took off to parts unknown somewhere in the house.  My husband and I looked up into what was now a hole in the ceiling.

As usual, it took forever for my husband to get around to putting the tile back in, but this didn't deter Frank from going back into the rafters.  Definitely not!  From then on, we always knew when he was up there, though, because usually there was a long, black, fluffy tail hanging down from the ceiling, occasionally switching back and forth.  If we were really lucky, sometimes a black, furry face would peek down at us from there as well.  I think he enjoyed annoying the Stupid Dog that way as well.

Guess acoustic tiles were not meant to hold 20-plus pound cats.

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