Thursday, May 26, 2011

Third Grade Boys Are Weird

When my son was in the third grade, I often wondered if there was something wrong with him, for several reasons.  One thing that comes to mind right away is that for awhile, he'd walk into things.  Not literally, but he had a method of hitting his foot against a pole, wall, door or anything in his way, then throwing his head back, making an "ugh!" noise, making it look like he'd run into something.  This was pretty much a constant thing, so I wondered what the heck was wrong with the kid, and asked him on several occasions if he was alright, only to get a grin and chuckle in answer.  At this, I'd just shake my head and walk away, figuring he wasn't hurting himself and hoping that maybe it was just a weird stage he was going through.

One day I'd walked down to meet him after school, as we had something planned for right after school.  When the third grade class came out the door after the bell rang, I noticed a strange phenomenon.  It seemed all the third grade boys were afflicted with the same glitch my son seemed to be, as each one came out and "pretend" ran into anything that happened to be in front of them (aside from other people; those seemed to be off limits, which was probably a good thing!), and they all found it hilariously funny.

It was then that I stopped worrying about my son.  After all, this seemed to be a peer thing, since all the boys were doing it at once, and sure enough, eventually they all stopped when they got bored with that and went onto a new obnoxious activity that they deemed to be the next great thing.  And yes, at that age, anything they chose had to be obnoxious.

The girls?  They all just stared at them, shook their heads and looked another direction, pretending they didn't know any of them.  Made sense to me.


  1. Once again through this wonderful story, I remember attending a party at a friends house one night.
    After we had been at our friends for a bit his brother in law arrived.
    My friend has this sliding clear glass door at the back where we all came into the house.This big lump brother in law of my friend, arrives and straight away thinks the door is open and walks straight through the door but it did not beak, just pushing it off its tracks.My friend immediately saying ,OH big brother has arrived !!! That was ok everyone can make a mistake.
    In those days the glass did not have anything on the glass to let you know ,yes, there was glass in the door and needed to be slid open.
    As I say, yes we forgive people if they do it once,accidents do happen.
    Then the BBQ was ready around ten minutes after this had happened.He was inside now and had to go outside to fill his plate with tasty food.
    All of as sudden crash!!!! guess what, he did it again, much to the puzzled looks of all who was in attendance.
    His sister this time said to her brother, you must be careful Johnny of that bloody glass door, because next time you may break it and hurt yourself.
    So my friend grumbling and cursing him, put the door back on its tracks and the idiot went outside to get his BBQ.
    We were sitting there enjoying our food when all of a sudden, Crash, bang and this person sprawled out on the floor with food everywhere.Yes, you guessed it, he had come back inside after getting his food outside and straight through this bloody door again.To everyones amazement this glass door on its third trip to the ground in less than one hour, did not break.But my friends patience broke into little bits and this time decided the best thing was to leave the bloody door off until he went home.You would think, after one go, that would be it but to have a go at this bloody door three times within an hour is just mind blowing.I don't think the door ever went back on.He replaced it with a security door.

  2. Some people just never learn, do they? Amazing that he repeated the same thing three times! I can understand your friend losing his patience and taking the door off. Enough is enough! Funny that he replaced it with a security door! Guess you can't be too careful with some people!
