Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Little Girl in the Weeds

This is a story my father told me.

He and his mother were driving along on their way home from somewhere when he was about five or six years old and as they stopped at a stop sign, there was a little girl, about four or five years old with dark hair and big, dark eyes, standing in a patch of weeds at the side of the road.  She was completely naked.  My grandmother pulled over, asked the little girl where she lived, but the little girl wouldn't speak, so she had her get in the car and drove around the neighborhood, asking anyone she came across if they knew who she was so that she could try to get her home safely.

Finally, at the local store, the owner recognized the little girl and told my grandmother where she lived, so she drove there to return her home.  She took the little girl to the door and knocked and a woman came to the door who, it turned out, was in actuality the little girl's mother.  My grandmother told the woman where she'd found her, and the woman answered, "Oh, I wondered where she'd gotten off to.  Hadn't seen her in awhile."

This infuriated my grandmother, who, my father said, ranted all the way home about the girl's mother not even caring or having any idea where her child was!  As time went on, the memory slipped from my father's mind.

Years later, when he was a teenager, he'd made a date with a girl he'd met at the local barbecue restaurant, and went to pick her up.  As he reached the house, the memory of his mother walking the little naked girl up that walk years ago came back to him, as it was the same house they'd taken the little girl to.  He knocked at the door, and the woman who'd infuriated his mother years before came to the door; a few years older, but he remembered her face.

His date then came to the door to meet him, a pretty, dark-haired, dark-eyed girl, who he eventually married.  She would eventually also be my mother.  They've been married now for over 50 years.

Some things are just meant to be.


  1. This is something special that amazes me about fate.
    Sometimes things are meant to be in some weird way.
    Though not the same but close my little sone of two years ran two kilometres with just a singlet on to find me.
    I was managing a butcher shop in a country town called Toodyay 150km east of Perth, Western Australia.
    Working away in the shop making sausages out the back room I heard the shop door squeak open.Thinking it was a customer in the shop I went out to serve but no one could I see above the high counter display fridge.
    About to turn and go back out to the back room I then hear "Da Da" and to my amazement little Roderick is sitting down in front of the fridge display pointing to the shop next door saying, "cream cream".
    He wanted an ice cream.Now, running two kilometres through the town to the shop was for me something special and I could not chastise him for that, even though it may have been dangerous in many ways.
    My wife them stormed in and see's Roderick sitting on the block eating an ice cream, very astutely tore strips off me for rewarding him.She was obviously distraught at Roderick running away like he did.Maybe im just a softy.
    He did do this a couple of times before he realised that he should have clothes on before he ran off.

  2. As a mom myself, I can definitely understand Marg being upset at Roderick running off and her not knowing where he was, but pretty amazing that he went that far just to see his dad and found his way there. Funny how kids that young don't seem to have any problem with running around without clothes!
