Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Hi, Mom!"

My son, as mentioned earlier, tended to be quite a handful at times, especially when he was younger.

One day I'd gone out to take out the trash, and came back to find the door locked.  Guess who?  Yep, there he was, smiling at me through the window, and saying, "Hi Mom!" and waving.  I think he was about five years old at the time, and found it extremely amusing that he'd locked me out, and of course, I didn't have the key with me.

"Son, open the door," I said, trying not to lose my temper.  All I got in return was another wave, and another "Hi, Mom!" and a wicked little grin.  This continued for several minutes, with me not getting anywhere.  Then he started making faces at me through the window and dancing around, just to be even more obnoxious, I suppose.  At one point he  said to me, "Hold on, I'll be right back!" and took off for parts unknown inside the house.  That didn't exactly make me feel reassured, since he had a tendency to get into things anyway, but I breathed a sigh of relief when within about five minutes he came back to the door.

"Okay, I'm back," he announces.  "Had to go to the bathroom."

So by this time, I'm getting annoyed and more than a bit angry.  The next door neighbor apparently heard me out there trying to talk my son into letting me in, and came around the corner of his house.

"You okay over there?" he asked.

I explained that my son had locked me out of the house and I was trying to get him to let me back in.

"Oh.  Well, good luck with that," the neighbor says, and goes back around the corner!  Gee, thanks neighbor!

Finally, my son says, "Mom, I'm hungry.  Can you fix me something to eat?"

"Not if I'm locked out here, I can't!" I tell him, fed up with the whole thing by now and ready to tear my hair out.

"Okay.  Come on in, " he said, as if greeting a friend.

He unlocks the door at last, and I go in the house, promptly sending him to his room for a time out.

"But Mom, I'm hungry!"

"Yes, I know, but I'm more mad than you are hungry, so you're punished until I'm not mad any more!"

I know, makes no sense, but moms out there will understand, I think!

From then on, I made sure I had a key to the door in my pocket when I went outside.  Seemed like a necessary precaution.


  1. LOL!!! We just don't give kids enough credit when it comes to being smart.
    If I did that to Marg,my wonderful wife, she would thrash me to within an inch of my life.Not really,just kidding LOL.
    Many times over our happy years of being together we have locked all the keys inside the house with no windows open.Bugger!! Exactly like this wonderful story of mischief except we had no one inside except a cat or our Ben the dog.
    Can you image Marg and I calling through the door to little Ben our dog, to go get the keys and open the door.Aha, now who is strange?Ben would look at us as if to say, "you fools locked yourself out, you find your own way in but don't make so much noise doing it".
    When it was our cat, long before Ben came on the scene he would just ignore us completely.
    Once we had broken into our house by some awkward means, Ben would run up to us wagging his tail as if too say,"What took you so long"
    It can be embarrassing.At least you had someone inside even though he was being very clever.
    Marg and I actually hid a key outside but when it happened again we could not remember where the bloody hell we hid it.LOL!!!
    Laugh now but then we would get that mad I nearly went to the extreme of breaking the window.
    Thank you for your great stories.

  2. I agree, we definitely don't give kids enough credit. Mine have always been very intuitive, even when they were small.
    I haven't been so bad about locking keys in the house, but have locked the keys in the car several times, which really makes me feel like an idiot, having to call home for the spare key!
