Thursday, May 26, 2011

All I Know About Is Me!!!

Since I've always wanted to write anyway, I figured this was a good enough place to start, right?  I'm a 51-year-old wife and mom, been married nearly 21 years now.  I plan to write about my kids, my life, and things that just come to mind from time to time.

Don't know why I've taken so long to actually start this.  Fear of failure, I guess.  But due to situations beyond my control, necessity overruled failure and here I am at last.  Let's see what happens!


  1. You do this very well indeed.Wonderful stories throughout your blog that have helped me to remember things throughout my life.
    Please don't ever stop what you are doing here as it does help people to understand that life can be fun and memorable.
    Family is a powerful thing when you need support and encouragement.
    Through your writings this stands out as a cherished part of your life.
    No money can replace that.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm just trying to keep a positive outlook on things, and have found that if you can't laugh and see humor in things, life is pretty darn boring! There's so much to look forward to.
    I'm forever grateful to my family and good friends, most of whom have very bizarre senses of humor as well! Keeps life interesting!
