Saturday, May 28, 2011

Three, Going on 30

When my daughter was about three years old, she had a huge crush on her older cousin, and did just about anything to get his attention and try to impress him with how grown up she was.  He was really patient with her and spent a lot of time playing with her and paying attention to her anyway, but she thought she should, of course, have all of his attention whenever he was over at our house.  My dad said that when she got to be a teenager, she'd have a poster of him up on her wall, and now that she's 10, that's changed to posters of Justin Bieber, but she still is very fond of her cousin.

One night, he'd come over to visit and spend the night with my son, and we were sitting in the kitchen at the table, just talking and spending time together.  She was doing everything she could to monopolize his attention, and he was being really nice about it, but apparently, it wasn't enough attention for her, so she started showing off in various ways.

She went to the refrigerator and opened the door at one point, pulling out a wine cooler that had been in there for who knows how long.  I don't drink very often, but occasionally will have a glass of wine or wine cooler, and this one was left over from a time I'd bought some.

"Can I have this?" my daughter asked, holding up the pretty bottle of red liquid, which I'm sure looked pretty tasty to her.

"No," I told her, "that has alcohol in it, and isn't for kids."

My daughter, Miss Attitude even at three years old, places one hand on her hip, juts her hip out to the side and announces, "But I drink them all the time!"

My nephew's eyes got huge, and he looked at me questioningly, but he was grinning at the same time.

"Really?" he asked me, then started laughing.

"Oh, please!"  I replied, then turned to my daughter, saying, "Please put that back.  You do not."

She then began to argue with me about it, which ended up with me having to take it from her and put it away, and afterwards, she came over, grinning at her cousin and me at the great joke she'd pulled, because we were laughing about it by then.

Even at three, the kid had a wicked sense of humor.  She still is not allowed to drink wine coolers, however.

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