Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stupid Dog

We had the stupidest (is that even a word?!) dog on the planet.  When my son was about five or six, we decided he could get a puppy. to the animal shelter in the area we lived in at the time.

He picks out a little lab mix, with white on his paws and a white patch on his chest.  And oh, how that dog could play up to us!  Admittedly, he was cute, but I'd always had females, and wasn't at all thrilled with the idea of a male dog, but gave in when my son said, "But Mom, I want a boy dog!"  Well, that was my first mistake.

We started off calling the dog Oreo, due to the black and white colors, but that soon changed.  A few nights later we'd had pork chops for dinner and there was one leftover, which my son decided to snack on later that night.  As he goes dancing through the livingroom, this proved too much for the puppy, and he jumped up about three feet to reach the luscious tidbit held in my son's outstretched hand, chomping on it (the chop, not the hand, thank goodness!), and taking off to another room to scarf the meat down as quickly as possible.  Meanwhile, my son's crying, "He took my pork chop!!!"

From then on, the dog's name was Porkchop.  Chops for short.  I know what you're thinking; this doesn't sound like a stupid dog at all, he figured out how to get what he wanted.  You're right; he doesn't sound stupid at all.  But he sure knew how to act stupid.  This is just a general background to start; there will probably be more about him later.


  1. This funny story brings back memories I would love to share with you.Like you say they know what they want and when to get it.Lucky they know the hand is not part of the pork chop.They are very precise in there attempt.
    We have an ad running here for a pet show called "Doctor Harry"and in this ad it has a part where a large black dog takes the whole plate off the table with very clever and careful moves not to drop anything.
    Another funny time we had with an animal stealing food, was with a Pelican down the coast from Perth at a beach side suburb called Mandurah, near a fish and chip shop on there tourist strip, where they had a mixture of restaurants and take away food stores.
    We ordered fish and chips and sat on the alfresco tables out side.We could see a view down the water edge walkway, where tables and chairs were set up for people to eat there food out in the sun looking over the inlet.
    At one of these tables sat a man with his little child in a pram enjoying the sunshine and eating Kentucky Fried Chicken that was in a large red cardboard flip top box.
    While we waited for our fish and chips, we all of sudden noticed this huge Pelican swooping in from the inlet at a hell of a pace and heading straight for this mans dinner.
    He was at the time bending down and attending to his child in the pram, when woooshh!!!! this pelican swooped in side ways and in one gulp of his huge bill picked up the box and its contents then soared off into the horizon.
    The man turned around and with mouth dragging on the footpath in total amazement and proceeded to yell and dance out at the pelican in a rage that is only fitting for adults.He was not a happy chappy.
    He could not believe what had happened.We sat there in total amazement at how precise this Pelican was in his aim of this tasty morsel.
    The locals there said it was always happening and at times provided the locals with plenty of laughs.
    They also claimed that many mobile phones had disappeared in the same way.
    So when we go to this place we are very aware and make sure we have a firm grip on everything we have on the table.

  2. Animals can be a wonderful source of amusement, can't they? Even when they're getting the best of us humans! Thanks for sharing; it gave me a good laugh!
