Thursday, May 26, 2011


This story's a bit different and a little sad, probably.

When I first saw the movie "Carrie" years ago, the one based on the Stephen King novel, the first thing I thought of was a girl I knew in elementary school named Wendy.  Not because of all the horror stuff, but because Wendy was like Carrie in a lot of ways, I thought.

Wendy was very quiet and kept to herself most of the time.  I talked to her a bit, when I could get her to talk, because I felt sorry for her and wanted to be her friend.  For some reason, she fascinated me.  None of the other kids would have anything to do with her, I don't know exactly why.  She always wore secondhand clothes but they were always clean; some of them just very worn.  She had long, mousy brown hair and striking blue eyes, and was very thin, and looked even thinner from wearing clothes that always looked a couple of sizes too big.  I sat next to her in one class, and always made sure that I'd say hello to her and talk with her a little as well.  She'd smile shyly, but look as if she was happy that someone was being nice to her, since so many of the other kids made fun of her or were downright mean.  I always wanted to get to know her better, but the opportunity never came up.

Once we went on to junior high, I don't remember seeing her any more and don't remember if she went on to the same school with the rest of us or not.  She still lived in a house in the neighborhood that looked as if it needed a lot of work, and she had at least one brother that I remember.  There were rumors through the years that the household was abusive, and even one that she'd gotten pregnant with her brother's child and was raising it, and had to drop out of school because of that, but I don't know if there was any truth to that or not.

Sometimes I'll see a girl that reminds me of Wendy back then, and wonder whatever happened to her.  I can't explain exactly why my mind wanders back to her from time to time, but it does.  Could I have done more to be a friend to her back then?  Probably.  But I do remember that she seemed hesitant to let anyone get to know her, and maybe even as a child I sensed that.

There are some things I guess I'll never know for sure.


  1. Everyone probably has an experience like this story tells at some stage during our school years.When I attended primary school here in Australia there were a lot of kids that remind me very much of Wendy and even with boys as well.
    Remembering kids coming to school that would keep to themselves and be afraid to talk to other kids.We would sometimes try and coax them into joining in activities but would shy away.
    Most of these kids had home lives that seemed to be closed to outsiders.Even though the suburb we lived in were very open and friendly these homes were always closed and quiet.We knew there were people living there as the kids went to school but that was it.
    So yes we probably we did not question things enough.
    There was a lot of child abuse in the suburbs throughout the 50's and 60's.The kids did hide it as they were scared as to what would happen.Mostly this occurred with the men in the family who had fought in the second world war and had many mental problems that led to alcoholism and abuse.
    Sad but so true.Not like today, it was always covered up.

  2. Oh, I'm positive there are kids like Wendy all over the world! Though we knew something wasn't quite right about these kids' home lives, back then, as you said, it was always covered up and not talked about. There was the shame and fear of what did and could happen. Sad. For some reason, though, I think of Wendy more than anyone else, though I can't explain exactly why.
