Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Pastry Cat

I doubt that we had the only cat that was like this, but it struck me as unusual.

We had a big (20-some pounds), black, long-haired cat with a big, fluffy tail, who adopted us when he was a kitten.  We named him Frank (short for Franklin D. Pussycat).  Frank was no slouch when it came to letting you know what he wanted, usually in the form of food, but he'd also yell when you did anything that didn't please him.

Frank would eat almost anything in the form of human food, as well as his cat food.  He liked lasagna (yes, I know, Garfield!), pizza and about anything Italian, and of course, ice cream.  You were required to let him lick your ice cream bowl once you'd finished; he'd wait patiently until you were through, then you'd have to set the bowl down for him to get his taste.  He knew by the clink of the spoon against the side of the bowl that you were done.  If, for any reason, you hesitated in setting that bowl down for him, you were scolded in a very loud, insistent kitty voice.

Thing thing Frank liked most of all, which is what struck me as odd, was any kind of baked goods, especially pastry.  If you had a donut, you'd better be prepared to share small, cat-bite sized pieces with him, or else!  You'd get a huge scolding for that one, in full strength cat voice.

I think the thing that struck me the funniest that he did was the day I'd come home and found that he'd helped himself to some fresh baked pumpkin bread a friend had brought over.  Silly me, I'd left the foil-wrapped loaf on the table when I went to work, and when I came home, there was a corner ripped off the bread, and quite a big chunk of it eaten away.  He obviously enjoyed himself, but next to the bread I saw something I had to look closer to figure out what it was.

There, in a very neat little pile, were several raisins that he'd put aside that were in the bread.  Apparently, raisins were not preferable to Frank's discerning tastes.


  1. We cant stop laughing about Frank.You sure he wasn't a dog?LOL!!
    Cats do have minds of their own.We had Siamese cats for many years before we adopted our little Ben the dog.They were very fussy and would let you know in no uncertain way if they disapproved of anything.
    One day one of our Siamese was in the back yard and we noticed him sitting in the one sport for a long long time.He finally got the better of out curiosity and we went to investigate why he was sitting in this spot fro so long.On arrival at the spot we were horrified to find him sitting on a snakes head.He would not move and somehow he had suffocated the snake.The snake was only a small one and it was in there sleep time of the year so he didn't have much trouble holding it there.
    That cat knew exactly what he was doing.We left him with it and finally he decided enough was enough.We then buried the snake.Who knows perhaps the cat was protecting us or was it just a game for him.
    Thank you for your wonderful story about Frank.

  2. Funny you should ask if Frank wasn't a dog instead of a cat ~ he seemed to think our dog, Mischa, was his mother after they'd become friends, and he definitely acted more like a dog than a cat. After Mischa was gone and we got Chops, he detested him, and though he tried to play with Sheba like he had with Mischa, Sheba just didn't get it. Frank lived to be 19 years old, and there are times I still miss him.
