Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's True What They Say About Karma Being A....Well, You Know!!!!

When I was in Junior High School, in 8th grade, which would've made me about 13 years old, I developed a crush on a new boy at school.  To keep things a bit confidential, I'll call him "D."  Keeping in mind that this was back in the early `70's, he was considered "cute" for the time.  Longish brown hair, blue get the general idea.  Basically, I "loved" him from afar, because I had no intention of letting him know.  The dream at the time was that he'd suddenly notice me across the school hallway during passing periods between classes, especially since we had no classes together, as he was a year older. of my friends found out about my crush, and decided that he should know about it, and managed to let him know.  Then his sister found out.  She told his older brother, who apparently teased him about it, so all in all, it was a disaster.  After that, he went on to high school and that was the end of that.  Or so I thought.

Once I got to high school, he was at the same school, and one of the "in" crowd there.  He seemed to think that because of that, it gave him the right to be a complete jerk, and I'm sure not just to me.  He'd torment me when he was with his friends, never letting me forget about the crush I'd had years before, thinking he was "all that."  It got to the point where I ignored him whenever I could, and hoped I'd never run across him anywhere or anytime at school, because he took great joy in embarrassing me whenever possible.  The things he'd say were cruel, insulting, and hurtful, all because I'd had a crush on him?  Didn't make much sense to me.   Being rather shy back then aside from with my friends, it was not a pleasant experience.  I was relieved when he graduated and was no longer at the high school, giving me one year without having to deal with the moron.

A couple of years ago I was looking online at one of those class reunion sites and noticed he'd signed up.  Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link that took me to his picture, and I had to laugh out loud when it came up.  The man is BUTT UGG-LEEEEE!!! Mr. Big Man On Campus is absolutely gross looking now!

Yes, sometimes The Fates are kind...and Karma?  Well, you know what they say about her!

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