Thursday, May 26, 2011

Romper Room

Some of you may be old enough to remember the show "Romper Room," that used to be on television years ago.  I remember watching it religiously, but don't really remember that much about what went on during the show, aside from the set looking like a preschool classroom with toys and such, and there were always several children there.  I think they sang songs and played games during the course of the show, from what I remember.  Kind of a "Barney" for that time.

Every day at the end of the show, the "teacher" on the show would pull out her Magic Mirror.  There were several different teachers; Miss Janie, Miss Annie, and others, but I remember all their names ended with "ie."  They all had dark hair, styled in that Snow White look, too, from what I remember.  The Magic Mirror was what looked like a huge, hand-held vanity mirror, all glittery and shiny, but there was no glass in it, just a hole in the middle where the glass would've been.  But we all bought into it being magic, so that's all that mattered.

So Miss Whatever"ie" would then say, "Now I'll look in my magic mirror, and see who I can see today," or something similar (keep in mind I was about four years old at the time!), and then go into her list:  "I see Tommy, and Janie, and Billy and Joe...." etc., etc., etc., and down the line.

Every day I'd watch and listen patiently for my name, sure each day that she'd see me in her Magic Mirror.  But it never happened.  Not once did any of those witches say my name.  And even at four years old, I knew that wasn't fair, and it made me mad as hell!

Still makes me angry to this day.

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