Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Don't Forget to Tell the Cat!

When my husband and I went on our honeymoon many years ago now, we booked my dog at the time, Mischa, into the kennels where she'd always gone when I'd go out of town before.  They were so great with her, and she knew the people there, so she didn't seem to mind "visiting" there for a few days or so.  We didn't book Frank the cat there, though, as we had someone coming over to look after him each day, and make sure he had food and water while we were gone for the four days.

The surprise came when we returned from our trip.  Frank was not at all happy with us for leaving him, and boy, did he let us know about it!  He yelled at us for ages after we came through the door, and once we sat down anywhere, he'd take turns sitting in our laps and yelling at us some more, and giving us really dirty looks when we'd get up to go do something, then follow us everywhere we went, still yelling.

I left awhile after we'd gotten in to go and pick up Mischa from the kennels, leaving my husband with Frank, hoping that might appease him a bit.  Mischa came barreling through the door, as she pretty much did everything, and ran up to Frank to say hello, as they were great buddies and she was happy to see him.

Frank, however, was not pleased with her, either!  He sniffed her nose, then turned, putting his fluffy tail and nose in the air, and snubbed her completely!  It was as if he were telling her, "You left me, too, so don't try to  be friends now!"  He wasn't at all happy until a few days went by and things got back to normal.

I called my friend Chris a couple of days later to fill her in on the trip, and got around to telling her about Frank's reaction, finding it amusing now that he'd gotten over being upset with all of us and back to acting normal.  She's a true Cat Lady, and since I'd never had a cat before Frank, I often asked her "cat questions."

"Didn't you tell him you were leaving and would be back?" she asked me.

I laughed, thinking she was kidding, but no, she was dead serious!  It had never even occurred to me that you had to tell a cat that you were leaving!

From then on, though, whenever we'd go anywhere overnight and leave him, I'd tell Frank that we were leaving, and would be back in a couple of days.  It really did make a big difference!  Even though he'd yell at us a couple of times when we got back for leaving at all, a general scolding, after a few minutes he was back to his normal self.

So whatever you do, if you have a cat and plan on leaving them home while you go gallivanting here and there, if you don't want a huge scolding and a cat attached to you for the entire day you return, don't forget to tell them you're leaving.  It works wonders, really!

And I know it wasn't just Frank, thanks to the Cat Lady!


  1. This is funny! I too, have a cat that "tells" me when he's not happy. He's very pushy, and does not hesitate to let you know what he wants. For instance, if he's hungry, he will follow me around the house constantly meowing at me, very loudly. It doesn't stop until I fill his dish. If he wants to get in the basement(we keep the door closed), he sits by the basement door pawing at it and meowing until someone opens it for him. If he wants your attention for some petting, he will jump in your lap and rub against you until you have no choice but to pet him. It doesn't pay to push him down because he just jumps right back up, no matter how many times you push him away. My dogs aren't even that pushy! Cats are definitely smart, wonderful creatures!

  2. We remember our little dog Benni, when we would decide he would have to stay home when it was far to hot for him to travel in the van with us to work.
    Ben loves the car and would live in the car for ever.
    Anyway we would leave him home and he would be so unhappy, but it was for his own good.
    When Marg and I would arrive home he would greet us with a hang dog look and his chin dragging on the ground with such solum grief.
    Ben would take hours to come good again.We found out later that his little performance was in fact anxiety.He had got himself in so much of a state at home on his own he would suffer anxiety.
    Ben slowly got through it and eventually saw the wisdom of our way not that he stayed home on his own for long.
    He is such a dear little fella and we love him so much.

  3. Shawn, I think your cat and our Frank must've been related! He used to do the same, exact thing when it came time for dinner; he KNEW we should be feeding him and would keep hollering until he was fed, then look at you like, "It's about time!" And he would do the same thing with petting, especially if someone new came into the house; he figured they'd come to see HIM!!! I miss Frank; he was so smart!

  4. Poor little Ben, Greg! I'd feel so guilty to be confronted with that when I got home, even though he had to have been far better off at home instead of the dangers of being in a hot van. But still, they know how to get to you, don't they?

  5. nice article......

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